Here are Anna's puppies, Corals puppies and one of Skylars puppies.

We had a Puppy Party!

They are here, born June 17th... 2 boys and 1 girl !

Our beautiful Golden Hylite's Annastasia

Has been bred to our handsome

Billy The Kidd

They have arrived. June 12th, 2 girls!

Our beautiful
Gr/Ch Golden Hylite's Sound Of Music

Has been bred to our lovely

Gr/Ch. Mystic Suntime Billy The Kidd

They are here. Born the 4th of July !! 3 boys and one girl,

all sables

Our beautiful Skylar

Sorry no adult pictures available at this


Has been bred to our handsome

Billy The Kidd

They're here, born Canada Day at night. 2 blue boys and a tri girl and a tri boy.

Photos by Azure Photography

Already being loved
